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    Hello! I'm Jack


    I am a recent M.S. graduate in biology from Austin Peay State University and have currently started working with Logan Simpson as a Biologist for environmental consultation. My motto throughout my education and experience thus far is that there is always something new to learn, and when an opportunity to explore comes along -take It! 

    Current Updates: Check out my certificates and projects tab 




    Environmental Law



    Data Analysis/Coding


    Hunting / Fishing


    Jack Kauphusman







    Chandler, AZ

    Date of Birth:

    July, 12th 1995


    May 2021 - Present

    Logan Simpson Design Inc
    • Completes Biological Evaluations, Biological Assessments, and Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation; Clean Water Act Section 404 & 402 permitting

    • Conducts protocol surveys and monitoring for desert tortoise,  migratory raptor and tree nesting birds, western burrowing owl, and Arizona native plants

    • Conducts National Environmental Policy Act analyses for species assessments in the biological sections

    Resent project examples:

    Continental Properties Biological Investigation - Surveyed and authored a biological technical memo

    Hurricane Mesa Test Site for USACE - Assisted with Mojave desert tortoise surveys and co-authored Biological Assessment report

     APS substation red-tailed hawk monitoring - Monitored red-tailed hawk nestlings for Migratory Bird Treaty Act and provided consultation to project manager on  nest fledgling completion

    Wildlife Specialist: HDMS System Manager

    September 2020 - May 2021

    Arizona Game & Fish Department: HDMS Division
    • Maintains, updates, and further develops the HDMS AWS web-service rshiny applications and ArcGIS ecosystem (i.e. Environmental Review Tool, HDMS Dashboard, SCL App, and currently building the HDMS Arizona Field Guide)

    • Organizes, maps, compiles, interprets, and updates Arizona's special status wildlife species occurrence records for inclusion into the HDMS Database 

    • Performs data requests in R and SQL from the HDMS database to stakeholders to be used for Environmental Assessments, ESA reviews and potential listings, and academic research

    • Preforms write-ups on special status species occurrences to the NatureServe Biotics application, which includes describing their distribution, biology, taxonomy, and potential status within the state

    • Performs quarterly updates on the HDMS applications, feature services, and data exchanges with the Game & Fish Regions and Arizona federal agencies

    • Provides job-related training to HDMS and other Department personnel, including training in wildlife distribution and interpreting raw field forms for special status wildlife

    • Conducts field surveys for special status species tracked by the HDMS Division 

    Graduate Research Assistant: Wetlands

    January 2020 - August 2020

    Austin Peay State University; GIS-Center
    • Designed and implemented a wetland survey to map wetlands for Fort Campbell Military Base in KY/TN

    • Used remote sensing with aerial photographs and DEM rasters to initially identify potential wetlands and their hydrologic connectivity for the base

    • Created surveying application using ERSI Survey123 and ArcGIS Collector to collect field observations and map wetlands

    •  Delineated wetlands using the wetland characteristics of hydric soils, hydrology, and hydrophytes based on the USACE Wetland Delineation Manual 1987 guidelines

    • Maintained a database for collected data on ArcGIS Online and created an ArcGIS Dashboard

    • Created geospatial USACE wetland report for the Ft. Campbell clients

    • Oversaw one graduate student and two undergraduate students from APSU

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    August 2018 - December 2019

    Austin Peay State University; Biology Department
    • Instructed fifty undergraduate students per academic semester teaching the general biology lab for the university

    • Graded weekly lab assignments and quizzes

    • Directed and coordinated with fellow Graduate Teaching Assistants and undergraduate coworkers with laboratory preparations each week

    • Prepared materials, chemicals, and biological organisms needed for the general biology lab experiments

    GIS Field Technician
    May 2019 - August 2019
    Austin Peay State University GIS Center
    • Conducted field collection, using ArcGIS Collector, and analyzed geospatial data on the ADA compliance of Montgomery County, TN sidewalks

    • Oversaw three undergraduates while conducting fieldwork 

    • Maintained and organized the geodatabase using ArcGIS Online and ArcPro

    • Performed the spatial analysis using ArcMap, R, and Microsoft Excel for sidewalk compliance and conditions

    • Constructed the report and maps of the state of sidewalks for the county

    Biological Science Technician
    May 2018 - August 2018
    USFWS: Upper Miss Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Winona District
    • Conducted forest inventory in teams of four, where we collected forestry and habitat data, using ArcGIS Collector, on the newly acquired land purchased by the USFWS

    • Performed and assisted in routine wildlife census surveys for threatened and endangered species such as the rusty-patch bumble bee, Northern long-eared bat, and black terns.

    • Performed population surveys for species of concern such as the double-crested cormorants and variety of waterfowl species

    • Performed aquatic vegetation surveys for the Upper Mississippi River, specifically surveying wild celery densities for waterfowl resources

    • Helped the Wisconsin DNR with Canada geese banding along the Upper Mississippi River

    • Conducted tree regeneration surveys with the MN Conservation Corp

    • Posted boundary signs for the newly required wildlife refuge lands

    • Performed wildlife habitat restoration projects on Minnesota prairies, wetlands, sandbars, and forests

    • Operated company vehicles, trailers, and boats.

    Park Ranger
    May 2017 - August 2017
    MN DNR: Parks and Trails at Great River Bluff
    • Delivered proficient customer service to guests at the park by educating them on the flora, fauna, park attractions, and rules

    • Performed accounting and maintained a guest demographic database in Microsoft Excel

    • Maintained the parks campsites and hiking trails by mowing and removing fallen trees

    • Helped with restoration projects, such as seeding the prairie and removing invasive species within the park

    •  Constructed signs and installed fencing if damaged

    • Operated a 1-ton dump truck, company vehicle, tractor, and ATV

    • Performed security duties during evening hours at the park campsites

    • For my internship project, I mapped locations and translocated the state threatened timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) to safer areas at the park

    December 2015 - September 2016
    Reptile Amphibian Discovery Zoo
    • Cared for 200 individual animals such as different species of crocodilians, venomous and constricting snakes, turtles, tortoises, lizards, amphibians, fish, and birds

    • Maintained qualitative and quantitative records to ensured proper diets of food and water, provided enrichment activities, and evaluated reproductive behavior, minor injury, illness, and delivered minor medical treatments if necessary

    • Maintained and helped construct new enclosures

    • Created and conducted daily thirty-minute educational presentations to twenty-five to fifty guests of all ages each day

    • Oversaw, mentored, and provided work direction to four interns and two volunteers on daily zoo-keeping duties.

    Master of Science in Biology

    Austin Peay State University

    Related coursework in Biological Research and Methods (4cr), Ichthyology (4cr), Ornithology (4cr), Plant Taxonomy (4cr), Regression Analysis (3cr), Advanced Data Analytics (4cr), Wetland Plants (1cr), Herpetology (4cr), and Thesis (8cr). 

    Bachelor of Science in Biology/Ecology

    Minnesota State University, Mankato

    Related coursework in Vertebrate Ecology (4cr), Plant Community Ecology (4cr), Wetland Ecology (4cr), Biostatistics (4cr), Animal Diversity (3cr), Animal Behavior (4cr), Conservation Biology (4cr), Global Change Biology (3cr), Diagnostic Parasitology (4cr), & Animal Physiology (3cr). 



    • SE-PARC Conference, 2020

    • Tennessee Herpetological Society Meeting, 2019

    • Pit-Viper Conference, 2019

    • APSU Graduate thesis proposals, 2018

    • Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3 Conference, 2018

    • Minnesota State University, Mankato Undergraduate Research


    • Dr. David Snyder Scholarship

    • APSU Co-Stem Grant

    • Teresa Scholarship

    • Frey Sustainability Research Fellowship Grant


    Software Applications:

    • ESRI Products (ArcGIS)

    • Microsoft Office

    • R & Rstudio

    • RShiny

    • Hugo Web Design

    • iNaturalist

    • Git

    • JavaScript

    • HTML & CSS

    • Google Earth Engine

    • Remote sensing

    • Linux (Ubuntu & Red Hat)

    • SQL


    Laboratory Experience:

    • Microscopy

    • Micro-pipetting techniques

    • Spectrometry & Chromatography

    • Assisted in PCR

    • Prepare agar plates


    Field Work

    • Species identification for plants and wildlife throughout the southeast, southwest, and midwestern United States

    • Handling wildlife; birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, & invertebrates

    • Biological field surveying for endangered, threatened, or species of concern for federal and state levels collecting information on population densities, species diversity, and habitat condition

    • Implanting PIT-tags and scale & fin clipping for PCR

    • Assisted with radio telemetry, trapping, and mist netting

    • Fish collection techniques (ex: seining, boat/backpack-shocking, snorkeling)

    • Plant sampling for species richness, invasive species, and species of concern

    • Wetland delineation and habitat assessment

    Environmental Policy

    Familiarity with contextual law, procedures, and reporting for NEPA, ESA, MBA, and CWA Sect. 404 & 402. Provided consultation of EAs and EIS


    Laboratory Techniques (Microscopy, Pipetting, & PCR)

    Emergency Medical Responder

    American Red Cross



    Wildlife Ecology

    For work experience, I have worked mainly with reptiles, fish, and birds assessing population sizes, habitat selection, and spatial dynamics. Academically, I have worked with a large diversity of vertebrates and invertebrates within the midwest, southeast, and southwest U.S. My favorite project in wildlife ecology is investigating population or community functions within dynamic environments.

    Water Resources

    Primarily have worked with wetland ecosystems delineating southeastern streams, midwestern prairie potholes, and Mississippi floodplain forests. In academia, I mapped the wetland plant community of swamps located off the Cumberland River. I am extremely passionate about conserving water resources because without clean water there is no future.

    Conservation & Restoration 

    Currently, aid in providing data for federal and state agencies to make conservation decisions on species of concern. In the past I have helped to restore native habitat with the USFWS performing sandbar, floodplain, and prairie restoration. I have done ESA surveys working with the rusty-patch bumblebee and Nothern long-eared bat with the USFWS, conducted a research project on population dynamics of the Mexican gray wolf, and provided consultation for the Arizona sportfish stocking.


    Jack Kauphusman

    Wildlife Ecologist




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